Monday, April 11, 2011

Free Write

The Term Band Geek
What do you think a band geek is. What makes them geeks? I don't think that if people are in band, that makes them a band geek. I think that if you are in band, that you are smarter than a lot of people in the school because you know how to read music, get a sound out of an interment, and put them together you can play anything if you practice. I play the flute, and I am not ashamed to say it, I am proud that I can play and learn. Some people take band just to get and easy A on their report card, then they don't even care and they make them selves look like a fool. Being in band is juts like being in a sport, you have team mates that you work together with to make a goal, and get to know and become friends with! Band is just like any other class, you have to work hard for an A, you have tests, homework, and you have to pay attention to get it! I understand that some classes such as Math or Language arts, you have to work a little harder, but you still have to work for an A in band! So when someone comes up to me and says, "ha ha, you are a band geek," I reply back with "I know and I am proud to be one!" That just shoes the people that like to make fun of the students in band, that we don;t care if you call us that, and maybe they will see that what they say doesn't hurt us in any way, then they will stop!

1 comment:

  1. I really loved what you wrote about the The Term Band Geek I really liked how you used examples good job:):)
