Monday, October 25, 2010

Explain what makes life significant for you!

Life it significant to me because in the Bible, it says that everyone was brought to this world for a reason. I believe that I am here to be a Vet. I love all animals and ever since I was little, I have wanted to be one. Also, a lot of people say that I am a hard worker and you have to be a hard worker to get into veterinarian collage. The collage I want to go to Madison to become a Vet. Almost everyone I meet, they comment on me saying that I am a very sweet girl and that I am going to go far in life because of my positive attitude and how good I am with organization with starting a new business. Last year I made up a business to help sell our chickens eggs that they lay. We raised them from chicks and now they are full grown chickens and we are getting about a dozen a day, and we have a good business and we have sold many eggs so far! I think that, that is my purpose in life, to be a good person to help others with good life skills and to help save animals lives!

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